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Exclamation Mark Next to Boot From CD Option in My Computer BIOS

Exclamation Mark Next to Boot From CD Option in My Computer BIOS

I have an HP pavilion. I don’t have the original CD ROM installed. I have a third party CD rom installed. I am trying to format it, but the bios has a Exclamation Marknext to boot from CD option.
This seems to be a pretty common occurrence. Some people see anexclamation mark next to CD-ROM drives like shown in the screenshot below, while other see an exclamation mark next to an actual hard drive. It could be any device.
Some people install operating systems and everything goes well, but cannot boot to the hard drive where the operating system is on. This is because when they go into the BIOS they see the exclamation point next to the hard drive.
Seeing an ! point next to your boot device does not always mean there is a problem so below I have mentioned some easy things to try. The first option below is the number one solution for this problem so I suggest you start there.

exclamation point in bios

How to ged rid of the exclamation mark in boot priority options?

  1. The exclamation mark next to a boot device means it’s disabled. Selecting the device in the list and pressing Shift + 1 will re-enable it. In some BIOS , if you use the “help” feature on the screen showing that ” ! ” it will tell you how to get rid of it. The ” ! ” in front of that device means the BIOS will bypass that device ( note- this is NOT applicable to all BIOS )
  2. If the first option does not work, you can try unplugging your power cords and pressing the power on button while the power is not plugged in.
  3. You can try disabling quick boot mode in your BIOS because this mode makes the BIOS go fast and skip checking all devices.
  4. You can remove the CMOS battery from your motherboard, leave it to 15 min, and then replace it. This should reset the BIOS.
What is quick boot?
Quick link is a BIOS feature that allows you to decrease the time it will take your computer to boot up. It skips certain standard booting procedures to make the whole process faster. When enabled, this feature will eliminate logo delays, access your hard disc is faster, read memory size faster. If the quick boot option is enabled the BIOS will run the whole set of bootup tests and do a thorough job.
You will find the option to enable or disable quick boot in your BIOS section.
Hopefully this mini tutorial will help you get rid of the exclamation mark that is showing up in your boot priority options in your BIOS.


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