How To Clean Computer Of Porn
You may not care, but learning about how to clean your computer of porn before you let your girlfriend move in or let your kid use it can be a good thing to know. While having porn on your computer is nothing to be ashamed of, sometimes it's better not to be put in a position where you need to explain something that really needs no explanation. Of course, if you've been looking at porn on someone else's computer without their permission, you will definitely find these techniques to come in handy and maybe you ought to question your decision making skills.
To clean a computer full of porn, you will need:
To clean a computer full of porn, you will need:
- A computer full of porn
- Administrative access
- File search. No, don't type "porn" into the search box. That won't work except for the most obviously labeled porn. What we're trying to do here is find and remove all the files that you want to be rid of, so use the wildcard search function in Windows (usually '*') to find all the naughty movies and pictures you've squirreled away over time. The Windows search is located in the start menu. To search for all the movies on your HD, for instance, you could try using common file extensions with the wildcard, like "*.avi" or "*.mkv." In Mac OSX file finder, there isn't a wildcard option, so do separate searches based on the extensions. Delete whatever porn you find on your computer, including pictures.
- Empty recycle bin. Don't think that just deleting the files you've downloaded is enough. To make sure they're gone, you must empty the recycle bin by opening the icon and clicking on "Empty Recycle Bin" in the file menu to be sure your computer is really clean of porn.
- Don't forget your internet browser. Not only do you need to clear the history from your favorite porno browser, it's important to clean up any other areas that could give you away. This means that you need to delete all the stored cookies and any bookmarks you've created. It does no good to clean up all the porno pictures, movies and website history if someone can see that you visited "Backdoor Booty Bonanza 3" as soon as they begin to type anything beginning with the letter 'b' in the address bar, so be thorough.
- Tidy up your email inbox. Nobody who is even remotely familiar with the internet is a stranger to the "penile enhancement" and "sex partner service" emails that dominate much of spam, but if your inbox is full of these ads, you might raise some suspicion. Make sure that any saved passwords don't get you in trouble by clearing your inbox, especially if you use a mail service like Outlook.
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